JQT京華石英科技 與 三上精密 合作–追求品質 精益求精



如下圖 此為石墨板 其前段製程為銑床加工 本人特在此板件畫上黃線 來探討其銑床加工的缺點



京華石英科技有限公司專為台積電、聯電生產石英類產品 ,其貴公司非常注重其產品,所以將一件看似無此重要性的基板件,送給敝公司再做平面研磨加工以確保其貴公司產品NG率降低,由此可知平面研磨加工的重要性!



San Shang Precision Alliance Partner to pursue greater perfection.

Why Polishing?

Graphite plate is a placode used in the fundamental manufacturing of quartz. The first diagram is an original piece of graphite plate that appears to be flawless. The polished material in the second diagram manifests the unsmooth surface as drawn within the yellow lines. This is the factor that causes critical impact on the product quality and the consequences are unpredictable.

Graphite Polishing is the final and most important process for great precision, but usually neglected by most manufacturers for budget controls as it costs more than one Computer Numerical Control (CNC) milling machines to carry out the work.

Jinghwa Quartz Technology has emphasis on the quality of each and every piece of product from the very basics. This is why we collaborate with professionals like San Shang Precision Co., Ltd to provide advanced products to our clients such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) and the United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC).

Source From: San Shang Precision Co., Ltd
Source Page: tw.myblog.yahoo.com/kent-73118/article